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Dr.Bacto’s Combo

Anand Agro Care

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Product Specifications :-

  • Dr. Bacto’s Combo is a liquid consortium of Nitrogen fixing, Phosphate solubilizing and Potash mobilizing bacteria. It is used to make available Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potash to the plants.
  • CFU: Minimum 2 x108 per ml

Benefits :-

  • Increase utilization of atmospheric nitrogen.
  • Solubilizes the unavailable form of phosphate and make it available to the plants.
  • Mobilize the fix and left potash in the soil and make it available to the plants.
  • It will increases plant drought tolerance under drought condition.
  • Increase 20-30% yield and quality of the product.
  • Improve physical and chemical properties of soil and improves the nutrient and water holding capacity.
  • Reduces disease infestation up to some extent.
  • Cost saving and reduces the dosage of N.P.K fertilizers. Improves the colour, appearance and shelf life of perishable fruits & vegetables.

Target crops:-  Can use in all crops.

Application & Dosage:-

  • Seed treatment: 10 ml per Kg seed
  • Soil application & Drip irrigation : 1 to 2 litre / Acre

Anand Agro Care

Anand Agro Care , Nashik, Maharashtra 422003

Anand Agro Care

Anand Agro Care

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