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Geolife Tabsil (FA) High% Ortho Silicic Acid Effervescent Tablets | Silicon Tablets Fertilizers


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Product Description : -

1) Tabsil FA is a 100 % water soluble silicon nutrient which can be used for foliar application.

2) It can be used in varied range of crops such as vegetables, flower crops, cereals,pulses, cotton etc.

3) It works excellent on leaf surface by enhancing the strenght of leaves and improving resistance to sucking pest infestation.

4) It thickens the cell wall of the leaves. Increases the photosynthetic activity in plants.

5) Tabsil FA when used with any pesticide or fungicide increases the efficiency and gives long term results

6) Tabsil FA keeps the plant healthy and tolerant to biotic and abiotic stress. 7) Tabsil FA helps to maintain appropriate internodal distance to increase the maximum bearing ability of plant

8) Dosage::

  • For Wheat, Maize and other cereals - After 40-45 DAS spray 1 gm/lit of water. Repeat 2-3 sprays at a interval of 15 days.
  • For Cotton, Tomato, & Chilly - After 45 DAS or DAT spray 1 gm / lit of water. Repeat 4-5 sprays at a interval of 15 days.
  • For Onion& other vegetables - After 45 DAS or DAT spray 1 gm / lit of water. Repeat 3-4 sprays at a interval of 15 days.
  • For Cucurbits and Cole crops - After 45 DAS spray 1 gm/ lit of water. Repeat 2-3 sprays at a interval of 15 days.
  • For Pomegranate, Grape and other Fruit crops - From 15 days of Before Flowering spray 1 gm /lit of water. Repeat 3-4 sprays at a interval of 20-25 days.


301, Marathon Max, LBS Marg, Mulund (West)
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India – 400 080



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