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Katyayani Imida Chemical Insecticide


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Product Specifications :-

Katyayani Imida (Imidacloprid 30.5% SC)

Description: Katyayani Imida is a chemical insecticide with Imidacloprid 30.5% in a suspension concentrate formulation. It provides effective control of a wide range of insect pests through systemic action, disrupting nerve cell signal transmission, Katyayani Imida (Imidacloprid 30leading to insect death.

Target Pests:

  • Thrips
  • Aphids
  • Jassids
  • Brown Plant Hoppers
  • White-Backed Planthoppers
  • And other sucking pests

Target Crops:

  • Cotton: Aphids, Jassids, Thrips
  • Rice: Brown Planthopper, White-Backed Planthopper
  • Others: Sugarcane, Mango, Groundnut, Grapes, Chilli, Tomato, and various vegetable crops

Mode of Action: Imida acts as a systemic insecticide that quickly translocates through plant tissues. It interferes with the nervous system of insects by disturbing signal transmission, leading to excitation of nerve cells and eventual insect death.


  • Cotton:
    • Pests: Aphids, Jassids, Thrips
    • Dosage: 20-25 ml per acre
    • Dilution: 200-300 liters of water per acre
  • Rice:
    • Pests: Brown Planthopper, White-Backed Planthopper
    • Dosage: 20-25 ml per acre
    • Dilution: 200-300 liters of water per acre

Key Benefits:

  • Versatile Application: Effective as both a foliar spray and soil application.
  • Compatibility: Compatible with commonly used agro-chemicals.
  • Systemic Protection: Absorbed and distributed throughout plant tissues, protecting the entire plant.
  • Rapid Action: Quick knock-down effect on pests.
  • Reduced Resistance: No known resistance has developed to this insecticide.
  • Low Toxicity: Relatively low toxicity to mammals compared to other insecticides, making it safer for applicators and non-target organisms.





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