Product Specifications :
Chemical composition: Glyphosate 41 SL
Dosage: 800-1200 ml / acre
Method of application: Spray
Compatibility: Compatible with sticking agents
Duration of effect: 1 month of application
Frequency of application: Depends on weed stage or severity of weed. Click on ‘Need Expert Help’ button for more information.
Applicable crops: Tea, Non Cropped Area
Extra description: No need to mix salt in tank and compulsorily use clean water; Must be sprayed on weeds when there is sufficient moisture in soil; must not be sprayed on a standing crop
Special Remark: The information provided here is for reference only. Always refer to the product labels and accompanying leaflets for complete product details and directions for use.
Crop Stage: Sprayed only on bunds and borders of the field if there is standing crop, and directly on theweeds in orchard
Important Note: compulsorily use clean water, Must be sprayed on weeds when there is sufficient moisture in soil; must not be sprayed on a standing crop
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